Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is kind, outgoing and eager to please. They are gentle, patient and reliable. They are ex-tremely lovable and want to be part of their human family.

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Labrador Retriever Characteristics

The Labrador Retriever is kind, outgoing and eager to please. They are gentle, patient and reliable. They are extremely lovable and want to be part of their human family.

Labrador Retrievers (or Labs) were bred to help local fisherman haul net, fetch ropes, and retrieve loose fish – which explains their love of water. Labs love to have a job and make great therapy dogs or an assistance dog for the handicapped. They also excel at search and rescue jobs thanks to their courageous nature and athletic body.

They make good watch dogs as opposed to guard dogs, as they are alert and vigilant, but normally not aggressive.

Labs are very people-oriented and crave human attention. They are devoted to their family and have a sweet, gentle nature. They do have a high energy level, though, and need adequate exercise. If not properly exercised, they can become destructive. Early training is required as lab puppies are very hyperactive and need to be taught good manners.

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Labrador Retriever Major Health Concerns

The Labrador Retriever is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. They may suffer from Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and other eye disorders. Labradors that like to eat and without adequate exercise, can become obese.

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Labrador Retriever Interesting Facts

Labrador Retrievers are registered in three colours: black, yellow (anything from light cream to “fox-red”), and chocolate (medium to dark brown). Puppies of all colours can potentially occur in the same litter.

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Dog DNA Tests

We offer a range of DNA Tests for Dogs, please click on the links below or Contact Us for more information.

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Wisdom Panel Dog Breed DNA Test

The Wisdom Panel Test covers more than 350 breeds, types and varieties to determine your dog’s genetic ancestry with predicted weight profile and behaviour information. Click here to read more about the Wisdom Panel Dog DNA Test.

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Dog Allergy Test

Discover the allergens that may be affecting your pet with a Dog Allergy Test. Tests for allergens including foods, environmental factors, supplements & household products. Click here to read more about our Dog Allergy Testing Kit.

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Dog Paternity Test

Our Dog DNA Paternity Test is a quick and easy way to accurately determine the parentage of your canine. Fast, accurate and conclusive results. Click here to read more about our Dog Paternity Test.

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Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) Test

Degenerative Myelopathy DNA Testing is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the genes associated with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). Click here to read more about the Degenerative Myelopathy Test Kit.

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Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) Test

Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Testing is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the gene associated with Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC). Click here to read more about Exercise Induced Collapse Testing.

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Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd) DNA Test

The PRA-prcd DNA Test is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the gene associated with Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd). Click here to read more about PRA Testing.

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Embark Dog DNA Test

Get to know your dog like never before with an Embark Dog DNA Test. Learn more about your pup’s Breed, Ancestry, Relatives, Health and more only with Embark. Click here to read more about the Embark Dog DNA Test.

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DNA My Dog Breed Test

The DNA My Dog Test identifies the breeds within your mixed-breed dog. You will receive a custom certificate and report detailing health concerns and personality traits for each breed found in their DNA. Click here to read more about the DNA My Dog Breed Test.

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Canine Breed Inheritance Infographic

Our Dog Breed Inheritance Chart explains how purebred and mixed breed puppies inherit DNA from their parents.